Page 239 - 2022 Online Catalog
P. 239

             Liquid Fertilizer Nozzle Selection Guide

                                          BROADCAST    DIRECTED

               TIP / NOZZLE                                          Liquid Density Conversion

                        StreamJet          EXCELLENT  VERY GOOD      When selecting a specific capacity tip for liquid
                                                                     fertilizer application, always correct for liquid
                                                                     density. Application charts shown in the catalog
                                                                     are based on spraying water. Many fertilizer
                        StreamJet          VERY GOOD   EXCELLENT     solutions are denser than water, which will affect
                                                                     the application rate. Please see the table below
                                                                     for a list of density conversion factors.
                        StreamJet                      EXCELLENT
                        1-Orifice                                    Example:
                                                                     Desired application rate is 20 GPA of 28%
                        CP4916                         EXCELLENT     Nitrogen. Determine the correct nozzle size as
                        Orifice Plate                                follows:

                                                                     GPA (liquid other than water) x Conversion       PUMPS
                        TP Jet             VERY GOOD                 Factor = GPA (from the table below)
                        Large Capacity
                                                                     20 GPA (28%) x 1.13 - 22.6 GPA (water)            SPRAY TIPS & NOZZLES

                        AI TeeJet          VERY GOOD                 The applicator should choose a nozzle size that
                        Low Volume                                   will supply 22.6 GPA if water at the desired
                        AIC TeeJet         VERY GOOD
                        Low Volume

                                                                     WEIGHT OF        SPECIFIC        CONVERSION
                        AIUB TeeJet                   VERY GOOD      SOLUTION         GRAVITY         FACTOR
                        Low Volume                                   TECHNICAL INFORMATION
                                                                     7.0 lbs./gal.    .84             .92
                        Turbo TeeJet       EXCELLENT                 8.0 lbs./gal.    .96             .98
                        Induction                                    8.34 lbs./gal.   1.00 - WATER    1.00
                                                                     9.0 lbs./gal.    1.08            1.04

                        Turbo FloodJet     EXCELLENT                 10.0 lbs./gal.   1.20            1.10
                                                                     10.65 lbs./gal.  1.28-28% nitrogen  1.13
                                                                     11.0 lbs./gal.   1.32            1.15
                        QCTF Turbo         EXCELLENT                 12.0 lbs./gal.   1.44            1.20
                        FloodJet                                     14.0 lbs./gal.   1.68            1.30

             Note: Consult the chemical manufacturer’s product label for specific rate and application recommendations.

 Stockton, CA   Fresno, CA   Salinas, CA  Yuma, AZ   Stockton, CA   Fresno, CA   Salinas, CA  Yuma, AZ                237
 800-922-7253  800-532-0253   844-755-2410  800-752-2636  800-922-7253  800-532-0253   844-755-2410  800-752-2636
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