Page 211 - 2022 Online Catalog
P. 211

              Hydraulic Driven Centrifugal Pumps

              • Stainless steel wear ring & shaft
              • Chemical resistant thermoplastic impeller
              • Non-slip rotating seal face
              • Economical severe duty seal
              • Designed for modern ag chemicals, liquid fertilizer, Roundup®
              • Easy maintenance

               MODEL         DESCRIPTION                                    MAX  MAX
               NUMBER                                                       GPM  PSI
               HYDRAULIC DRIVEN 1" Suction x 3/4" discharge
               FMC-75-       Poly centrifugal driven by a 4 GPM hydraulic   25   100
               HYD-204       motor with integral needle valve.

               FMC-75-       Poly centrifugal driven by a 7 GPM hydraulic   27   100
               HYD-206       motor with integral needle valve.
               FMC-75-HYD-   Pump less motor.                                                 FMC-75-HYD-204

               MODEL         DESCRIPTION                                    MAX  MAX                                  PUMPS
               NUMBER                                                       GPM  PSI
               HYDRAULIC DRIVEN 1-1/4" Suction x 1" discharge
               FMC-HYD-203   Cast iron centrifugal pump driven by a 3 GPM hydraulic   85  100
                             motor with integral needle valve
               FMC-HYD-204   Cast iron centrifugal pump driven by a 4 GPM hydraulic   85  100
                             motor with integral needle valve
               FMC-HYD-206   Cast iron centrifugal driven by a 7 GPM hydraulic motor   100  120
                             with integral needle valve.
               FMC-HYD-210   Cast iron centrifugal pump driven by a 10 GPM hydraulic  100  120
                             motor with integral needle valve.
               FMC-HYD-310   Cast iron centrifugal pump driven by a 25 GPM hydraulic  100  120   FMC-HYD-204
                             motor with integral needle valve.
               FMC-HYD-LM    Pump less motor for FMC-HYD-2XX models.
               FMC-HYD-      Pump less motor for FMC-HYD-310 model.

               OPTION        DESCRIPTION

               OPTIONS FOR FMC-HYD PUMPS                                                           UPS
               FMCSC         Silicon carbide shaft seal for abrasives                         SAME DAY
               -CI           Cast iron impeller.
               -SS           Stainless steel fitted package including impeller nut, cap        SHIPPING
                             screws, and pipe plugs.

 Stockton, CA   Fresno, CA   Salinas, CA  Yuma, AZ   Stockton, CA   Fresno, CA   Salinas, CA  Yuma, AZ                209
 800-922-7253  800-532-0253   844-755-2410  800-752-2636  800-922-7253  800-532-0253   844-755-2410  800-752-2636
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