Page 233 - 2022 Online Catalog
P. 233

            Float Boxes

            Float Boxes

            The Big W Sales Float Valve (Battery Box) is the simple, yet
            effective way of applying fertilizers in your open ditch irrigation
            systems. Regardless of the incoming volume, the Big W Sales
            Battery Box maintains a constant liquid level within the float box.
            This gives perfect control for most types of liquid fertilizer as it
            enters open ditch irrigation water from either low pressures
            (less than 30 psi) or gravity flow.

                Standard Model - 560
                • Gravity flow rate: 0-65 GPH
                • Max control with PVC needle valve
                • Inlet connection 1/2" FNPT
                • Outlet: 1/2" FNPT x 3/4" MNPT
                • Box Size: 2 gallons,
                  7” wide x 10” long x 8” high                          PART NO     DESCRIPTION

                Large Model - 570                                       FLOAT BOXES AND COVERS
                • Gravity flow rate: 30-200 GPH                         560-12      Standard 2-gallon float box
                • Controls large flow rates with easily                 570-12      Large 5-gallon float box
                  adjustable PVC valve
                • Inlet connection: 3/4" Hose Barb                      560-13      Standard 2-gallon cover           FLOW METERS
                • Outlet: 3/4" Hose Barb                                570-13      Large 5-gallon cover
                • Box size: 5 gallons,                                  560-15      Label
                  13” wide x 17” long x 12” high
                                                                        PART NO     DESCRIPTION

                Completed Vented PVC Outlet Valve                       INLET VALVE PARTS
                                                                        560-1       Standard PVC inlet valve and float
                                                                        570-1       Large PVC inlet valve and float
                                                                        560-2       Standard PVC inlet valve body
                                                                        570-2       Large PVC inlet valve body
                                                                        560-3       Standard Neoprene gasket
                                                                        570-3       Large Neoprene gasket
                                                                        560-4       Standard lock nut
                                                                        570-4       Large lock nut
                                                                        560-5       Standard seat for shut-off
                    Standard          Large                             570-5       Large seat for shut-off
                                                                        560-6       Standard shut-off cup
             PART NO      DESCRIPTION
                                                                        570-6       Large shut-off cup
              COMPLETED VENTED PVC                                      560-8       Standard shut-off post
              OUTLET VALVE                                              570-8       Large shut-off post
             560-14       Standard PVC outlet valve                     560-9       Standard pin
             570-14       Large PVC outlet valve                        570-9       Large pin
                                                                        560-10      Standard arm for ball float
                                                                        570-10      Large arm for ball float
                                                                        560-11      Standard non-corrosion ball float
                                                                        570-11      Large non-corrosion ball float

                                                                                           Yuma, AZ
 Salinas, CA
                                                                     Salinas, CA
 Yuma, AZ
 Stockton, CA   Fresno, CA   Salinas, CA  Yuma, AZ   Stockton, CA   Fresno, CA   Salinas, CA  Yuma, AZ                231
 Stockton, CA
 Fresno, CA
                          Stockton, CA
                                                Fresno, CA
 800-922-7253  800-532-0253   844-755-2410  800-752-2636  800-922-7253  800-532-0253   844-755-2410  800-752-2636
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